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Local Interest in Lincoln, Lincolnshire.
- Cliffside-Villages -
Cliffside-villages.co.uk has been developed to provide a focal point for residents and small businesses of the Lincolnshire Cliffside Villages. Both residents and business owners will be able to freely contribute to this site online by submitting information directly into the web site. submit 10/07/2003
- Cosmic Elk -
Cosmic Elk publisher and distributor of work on science, history and the history of science, with associated products submit 11/04/2002
- Ecolincs -
Ecolincs - Environmental organisation based in Lincolnshire promoting environmental awareness in and around Lincoln, consisting of members of the public, representatives from community groups, local businesses and organisations who are interested in sustainable and ethical issues in Lincolnshire. submit 25/05/2005
- Hill Holt Wood -
A 34 acre woodland operating as an environmental social enterprise, offering a range of services and fun things to see and learn. submit 19/11/2011
- Lincoln Cathedral -
Offical web site of the Lincoln Cathedral submit 01/01/2010
- Lincoln Interests -
This was the official City of Lincoln Web site, with information on the City Council Tourism Service, Economic Development Service, Councillors, Departments and Committees. submit 29/01/2000
- Lincoln Live -
A good source of local information and pictures about Lincoln. submit 18/07/2001
- Lincolnshire INformation NETwork -
Lincolnshire County Council - Official local authority website for Lincolnshire providing information on local services including education, adult social care, family history, transport and roads. submit 25/03/2002
- Lincolnshire Larks -
Colin and Susan McAllister, provide American visitors specialized tours of England's forgotten county, Lincolnshire. submit 15/01/2003
- Lincolnshire Pix -
Loads of photographs showing towns in Lincolnshire, by Dave Jagger. submit 03/02/2001
- Lincolnshire Walking Group -
The Lincolnshire Walking Group are a group of people in their 20's, 30's and 40's in Lincolnshire. submit 17/05/2011
- Lincs Heritage -
The Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire exists to protect, preserve, promote and present the rich heritage of the county for the benefit of local people and visitors submit 01/01/2010
- Linnet -
Lincolnshire County Council on the web, with details and contacts for district ~ parish council, environment, government, doctors, dentists, chemists etc. lcc linnet. submit 02/05/2002
- LVVS -
LVVS, Lincolnshire Vintage Vehicle Society. submit 08/08/2000
- RAF Cranwell -
Official web site of the Royal Air Force College, Cranwell - the oldest military air academy in the world. submit 14/02/2002
- RAF Waddington Airshow -
Royal Air Force Waddington, 3 miles south of Lincoln submit 14/02/2002
- Royal Lincolnshire Regiment 10th Foot -
The story of the Lincolnshire Regiment from when it was formed as The Earl of Bath's Regiment in 1685 until it was amalgamated with the Northamptonshire Regiment in 1960. They fought under Marlborough (Winston Churchill's ancestor). The first shot fired in the American War of Independence wounded a soldier of the Tenth Foot. They served in many parts of the world including the Sudan and South Africa in the Boer War, and suffered many casualties in the Great War. The regiment had 4 battalions in the Second World War. submit 02/07/2002
- Saturday Night Soldiers -
The story of the Territorial Army volunteers from Lincolnshire who were in the 4th battalion of the Lincolnshire Regiment during World War II. They took part in the ill-conceived fiasco in Norway in 1940 and were then sent to occupy neutral Iceland. They were there for 2 years. They landed in Normandy on D-Day+4 and fought their way through France, Belgium and Holland. Their last action was in April 1945 when they liberated Arnhem. submit 02/07/2002
- The Lincolnshire Gunners -
All the Kings Enemies by Jack Bartlett & John Benson, The 60th Field Regiment Royal Artillery, a definitive book on the subject. submit 19/08/2000
- West Lindsey District Council -
The official West Lindsey District Council WLDC twitter feed for local news, travel and events submit 30/07/2011
Todays thought -
Very funny, Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.